There are lots of fun memes out there joking about being unable to get to sleep because your brain won’t shut off, or if you’re suddenly remembering the shit you did in the ’90s. I am one of those people.
I have found that there are some things I can do right before going to bed that helps get my brain to chill the eff out. One of those things is to play Tetris or other puzzle-style games, but without the sounds. It distracts me. Once the yawning kicks in, I can set my tablet aside and usually fall to sleep.
Another helpful thing is jerking off, which you probably could have guessed. Since I am single again, I am free to bring the porn to my bed with me, but I have found that I always feel better and go to sleep happier after some live interaction. A good live show is far better than any lullabye.
Use this $20 deal to Camster and try it out for yourself. It’s a bed time routine that I think you will want to keep.