There has been a lot of rain where I live over the last few weeks. I hate going out in the rain. Everything turns to mud and puddles and no one seems to remember how to drive. As a result, I don’t leave the house unless I absolutely must. As a guy living alone, I spend a good chunk of that downtime with my cock up and my hand stroking.
There are a lot of cam sex sites out there and I make a point of visiting most of them. I like the variety and seeing what sort of girls I might discover. Most of the time, I end up being entertained by solo chicks, but sometimes I’ll check out a couples cam and watch real sex as it happens. I really love watching girls squirting on their men.
Another thing I like is fat women. I don’t usually date larger girls, but I am very sexually drawn to them. It’s great to be able to indulge in all those curves on a rainy night. I’m starting to look forward to the storms.